
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Healthy Tips:Migraine Treatment

Migraine is a throbbing headache that often accompanied by nausea, vomiting. Patients are usually sensitive to light, sounds and even smells. Headache is most often only on one side of the head alone, sometimes switch to the other side, but can be on both sides of the head at once. The term migraine was first mentioned in medical writings of ancient Egypt around 1500 to 3000 BC. And throughout the centuries, migraine remains one of the most common health problems found but least understood.

Migraine is caused by brain chemical abnormalities. Migrian not caused by psychiatric disorders, not symptoms of hypochondria (sad disease without cause) and not also due to patient error. Migraine is a chronic neurological disease that has existed since birth and in most cases derived from one or both parents. Migraine is sometimes rather difficult to distinguish from other types of headaches. Headache due to interference of the sinuses or neck due to muscle strain which has symptoms similar to symptoms of migraine. Migraine can occur with other diseases such as asthma and depression. The disease is very severe, such as tumor or infection, can also cause symptoms similar to migraine. But this incident is very rare.

Almost all migraine sufferers have different symptoms. Therefore, it is very difficult to compare one person with a migraine migraine others. And most likely a different migraine triggers everyone. Migraine itself is divided into four groups, namely:

1. Common migraine:Most migraine sufferers generally suffer from migraine this group, with symptoms such as throbbing pain on one side of the head with moderate to severe intensity. If it is severe, the patient can not move because it always felt nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, sounds and smells. The pain will go away within 4 to 72 hours.
2. Classical migraine:This type of migraine is generally preceded by symptoms called aura, which is visually impaired like seeing wavy lines, bright light, dark spots or can not see objects clearly.
3. Menstrual migraine: Migraine is typically arise several days before, during or after menstruation. Migraine sufferers will know that he was feeling, dealing with her menstrual cycle. The pain is felt, could be as common or classical migraine.
4. Complicate Migraine:This type of migraine is often accompanied by nervous system disorders, such as numbness and tingling of the skin, difficulty speaking or understanding speech, inability to move arms or legs. Neurological symptoms can persist despite the migraine had been cured.

Symptoms of migraine can also be reduced by eating food and drinking beverages that can slow the release of energy, such as:

1. Water: Dehydration can cause headaches, because it decreases blood volume and blood flow affect the rhythm. Maintain body fluids by drinking at least two and a half liters of water a day.
2. Porridge oats: These foods release energy slowly, so that helps maintain blood sugar levels more stable.
3. Nuts: Just as porridge, beans also release energy slowly.
4. Ginger:Ginger can reduce discomfort in the stomach (nausea), which usually come with a headache. Drinks or ginger biscuits, can be consumed as food additives.
5. Low-fat foods: Control blood fat with low-fat foods, because it is associated with migraine. Reduce fried foods, sauces and saturated fatty foods. Meet the needs of protein from fish or poultry meat.

Migraine is not easy to be cured at once, but can reduce the sense of pain it. Here are some tips to reduce pain in feel due to migraine, among others:

1. Rest. Due to their sensitivity to light, it is advisable to rest in a dark and quiet. Stay away from the sources and the luminous light crowd. Settle down and try to sleep.
2. Warm the back of the neck. Rest your neck bone, because the neck is one part of the body that works hard supporting the head. Fatigue in the neck can trigger head pain. During a break, try to warm the neck or give a little gentle massage.
3. Compress the head with ice or cold water. Compress the affected part with ice or cold water, to help constrict blood vessels.
4. Drinking painkillers. There are a lot of painkillers in the form of analgesic, antipyretic and aspirin. But do not take any medication, ask for a drug that has been recommended by your doctor.
5. Stay away from the factors that can trigger a migraine coming. Such as excessive sleep or sleep deprivation, stress or emotional distress, the smell was terrible or smoke cigarettes, consumption of certain foods, a very bright light or reflection of sunlight.

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