
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Healty Tips:Identify Metal In Your Body(Iron)

In Indonesia, the prevalence of anemia among workers is still high. Studies on anemia in women workers, held in Jakarta, Tangerang, Jambi, and Ghost - Central Java proves it. Reportedly, anemia, lowered productivity 50-10% and the capacity of its 6.5 hours per week. Anemia, which causes the decrease durability also makes people vulnerable to disease, so that frequency increases do not come to work. So true when concluded, iron-deficiency anemia affect one's work productivity.
However, according to another study, productivity can be increased up to 10-20% after workers received iron supplements.
Red blood cell-forming
In people with anemia, more often called anemia, red blood cell levels (hemoglobin or Hb) below the normal value. The reason could be due to lack of nutrients to the formation of blood, such as iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12. But what often happens is due to iron deficiency anemia.
The process of iron deficiency to be anemic in several stages. Initially, there was a decrease in deposits of iron reserves. If still not satisfied with the input of iron, over time symptoms of anemia with decreased hemoglobin.
Early symptoms of iron anemia of body weakness, fatigue, low energy, poor appetite, decreased concentration, headache, easily infected with disease, decreased stamina, and the views dizzy - especially when rising from sitting. In addition, the face, mucous membranes eyelids, lips, and nails patient looked pale. If anemia is severe, can result in patients with shortness of breath, even a weak heart.
Iron is found in all body cells plays an important role in many biochemical reactions, among which produce red blood cells. The cell was very necessary to transport oxygen to all body tissues. While oxygen is essential in the formation of energy for increased labor productivity and the body does not get tired quickly.
Iron is also an important element in maintaining the immune system, so we are not susceptible to disease. According to the study, those with Hb levels less than 10 g / dl had higher levels of white blood cells (to fight bacteria) is low as well.
The amount of iron in the body varies according to age, sex, and physiological condition of the body. In healthy adults, the amount of iron estimated at more than 4,000 mg, with around 2,500 mg in hemoglobin. In the body of some iron (about 1,000 mg) are stored in the liver in the form of ferritin. When consumption of iron from food is not enough, iron from ferritin deployed to produce hemoglobin.
The amount of iron that must be absorbed by the body each day is only 1 mg or equivalent to 10-20 mg of iron contained in food. Iron on animal food higher absorption of 20-30%, while from vegetable sources only 1-6%.
Women are more vulnerable
Actually, the body has mechanisms to maintain iron balance and prevent the development of iron deficiency. The body can regulate iron absorption according to the needs of the body by increasing absorption in the current shortage and reduce the absorption of iron overload.
Likewise, anemia can still attack, even anyone. Among those who because of an active, very busy, and have limited time, can not follow the diet that meets the need for iron.
Another possibility is the increased demand due to physiological conditions, such as pregnancy, blood loss due to accident, postoperative or menstruation, the presence of chronic disease or infection, such as hookworm infection, malaria, or TB tuberkulose (formerly known as TB).
Those who are dieting also open the possibility of anemia due to an abstinence diet of eggs, meat, liver, or fish. Whereas the type of food was the source of iron readily absorbed. No wonder if the vegetarians tend to be easy to suffer from anemia. Especially with a habit of not eating breakfast or frequency irregular without a quality balanced diet.
Similarly, people with disorders of iron absorption in the intestine. This could occur because of an upset stomach or consumed inhibiting substance such as coffee, tea, or fiber intake of certain foods without enough iron.
Women, especially, need to give special attention to the anemia. Starting as a teenager experiencing menstruation at puberty. In this phase pretty much needed nutrients such as iron, vitamin A, and calcium. Unfortunately, due to menstrual iron he had to lose up to two times the amount spent man.
In adult women with 55 kg weight, iron out the digestive tract and skin or loss of basal totaling 0.5 to 1.0 mg per day, or generally about 0.8 mg per day. While the amount of iron lost through menstruation, in 95% of the population is 1.6 mg per day. So the amount of iron lost through menstruation plus the loss of basal to about 2.4 mg per day in 95% of the population.
Not surprisingly, women tend to suffer from iron deficiency because of loss of substance that in times of menstruation every month without a balanced intake of foods that contain enough iron. Loss of iron through menstruation in women is usually constant, but vary in number among the women. It is understandable if some women need more iron than other women.
Another cause is the tendency of women on a diet because they want to maintain an ideal body shape, without considering the amount of essential nutrients that come in, especially iron.
In addition to menstruation, others are vulnerable during pregnancy and lactation. Anemia is a health issue with the highest prevalence in pregnant women. The prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in Indonesia is 70%, or 7 out of 10 pregnant women suffer from anemia.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, iron needed a little because it does not happen menstruation and fetal growth is still slow. Stepped on second to third trimester, blood volume in the female body will increase to 35%, this is equivalent to 450 mg of iron to produce red blood cells. Red blood cells have to carry more oxygen to the fetus. While in childbirth, the need for additional iron 300-350 mg due to blood loss. Until the time of delivery, pregnant women need about 40 mg of iron per day, or twice the state requirement is not pregnant.
In many pregnant women, anemia is caused by the consumption of iron-nutrition foods that do not meet nutritional requirements and growing demand. In addition, repeated pregnancies within a short time. Maternal iron stores are not recovered eventually drained fetuses conceived for the next.
Thus, the requirement of iron for each woman varies according to its life cycle. Non-pregnant adult women need about 26 mg per day, while pregnant women need extra iron about 20 mg per day.
When breastfeeding, although generally women do not experience menstruation, maternal iron and calcium loss through breast milk. In addition to the normal basal loss of about 0.8 mg, loss of iron through breast milk reaches about 0.3 mg per day. So, breast-feeding mothers need extra iron 2 mg per day and 400 mg of calcium per day.
Anaemia in pregnant women is not without risk. According to the study, high maternal mortality rate is closely related to anemia. Anemia also cause low physical ability because the body's cells did not get enough oxygen supply. In addition, animal experiments that iron-deficient pregnant and give birth to children with low resistance to infection. The reason, the phagocyte cells that ward off bacterial infection responsible not functioning optimally.
Watch your diet
Combating anemia - especially for pregnant women, women workers, and women who have married prahamil - has performed nationally with supplementation of iron pills. In fact pregnant women is strongly recommended this pill for three months, which should be taken daily. Research shows that pregnant women who do not drink iron pills iron reserves decreased sharply since the 12th week of gestation.
Unfortunately, this method provides effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and others. So, the alternative was to eat foods fortified with iron, for example in the form of milk or bread.
Iron tablet supplements are necessary for certain conditions, pregnant women and severe anemia for example. People with mild anemia should not take iron supplements, more precisely when they attempt to reform the food menu. For example, by increasing consumption of food containing iron such as eggs, milk, liver, fish, meat, beans (tempeh, tofu, oncom, soybeans, green beans), dark green vegetables (kale, spinach, leaf katuk) , and fruits (oranges, guavas, bananas). Note also the nutrition of food and frequency of eating breakfast regularly, especially for a dieter.
Get used to also add a substance which facilitates iron absorption such as vitamin C, orange juice, meat, chicken, and fish. Conversely, iron absorption inhibiting substances such as tea and coffee should be avoided.
Consult your doctor if anemia related to health, such as infection, chronic disease, or indigestion.

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