
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hepatitis E

ttus rattus brunneusculus) and home cecurut Asia (Suncus murinus).
A bird flu virus has been described with symptoms of hepatitis-associated hemolytic anemia in chickens. The virus is genetically and antigenically related to HEV mammals and probably represents a new genus.
replication of the virus have been found in the small intestine, lymph nodes, large intestine and liver of infected pigs.
Prevention Improving sanitation is a measure of the most important, which consists of maintenance of cleanliness at the disposal of human waste; also important to a higher standard for water supply community, good hygiene procedures personally and preparation of food sanitation.
A vaccine based on viral proteins that are re-combination, have been developed and recently tested in a high-risk population (military personnel from developing countries). Vaccines tampak effective and safe, but more research is needed to assess the protection of the vaccine and long-term cost effectiveness of vaccination with hepatitis E.

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