
Monday, January 24, 2011

Healty Tips:Magnesium For Your Heart

Good News For Peanut Lover. Yes .. consume nuts were going to benefit more because of the crunchy foods have a high magnesium content.
Talk About of magnesium, this mineral is one that plays an important role in the metabolism of the body. Why does the body need magnesium? Because these minerals are multifunctional and indispensable each cell to produce energy.
Magnesium is needed for the body to produce 300 types of enzymes, sending messages through the nervous system, making the muscles remain supple and relaxed and maintain strong bones and teeth. Another important function is to maintain consistency of rate / rhythm of the heart and make blood pressure remained normal.
In many studies, the role of magnesium is also needed in addressing a number of diseases such as asthma and diabetes. This mineral also proved to be very important in overcoming disorders or abnormal heart rhythms. Magnesium is also needed role in the absorption and use of various vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C and calcium for example, would work perfectly in the body when the need for adequate magnesium.
Needs of different women Men In humans, the total reached about 25 grams of magnesium. Most of magnesium is concentrated in the bones and teeth, but also present in muscle and blood. The amount is enough in the body is very important to maintain the balance of the body's metabolism.
To keep levels in the body remains the ideal. Intake of magnesium can be pursued either through daily food and additional supplements for the needy. Total intake of magnesium every day are recommended (DRI) is different for sex and age periods. Adult men aged 13-30 years for example, require the intake of magnesium is about 400 milligrams per day, while women 19-30 years of 310 mg per day.
Research on magnesium requirement continues to grow. Many experts believe that DRI is still too low for disease prevention. No wonder if there is some nutrition experts and doctors who recommend the intake of 500 mg of magnesium per day for adults. The number is believed to help keep the tension remains normal and avoid heart problems.
To obtain an adequate intake, you can eat foods that high levels of magnesium such as nuts, beans, dark green vegetables, whole grains and seafood. Magnesium requirement can be met from the consumption of milk because in each glass contained about 34 milligrams. Soy foods like tofu, tempeh and soy milk are also rich in magnesium.
Although the types of foods that contain magnesium diverse, it is not easy to be able to meet the minimum requirements required every day. However, consuming these foods is the best way to meet the body's need for magnesium and other types of vitamins or minerals.
If you want to earn extra through supplements, keep in mind that you do not need magnesium in large quantities. Supplements may only be giving you between 10 and 50 mg, because if too much - more than 600 mg of-your risk of contracting diarrhea.
It should also be noted also that magnesium supplements are usually combined with a number of hazardous substances. The available options are also varied ranging from magnesium oxide, magnesium ototat, magnesium gluconate, magnesium aspartate, magnesium glisinat, or magnesium citrate. Choose the type of aspartate, and citrate glisinat because it will be easily absorbed by the body. While the types of oxide should be avoided because it will be difficult to tolerate the body.
Strengthen the heart As revealed in the beginning, magnesium plays a vital for heart health. From some research came to light, low levels associated with a number of cardiac abnormalities.
Magnesium deficiency can lead to stiffness or spasms in one korener arterial vessels, so that disrupt blood circulation and cause a heart attack. Some medical experts argue magnesium deficiency is behind the case of a heart attack, especially in patients who had no history of heart disease. Facts also show that intravenous therapy (IV) magnesium is often used for patients with severe heart.
Magnesium is also important in protecting the body from heart attacks caused by clots or blood clots. This mineral helps prevent formation of clots by making platelets or platelets less "sticky" so that tends to be difficult to blend to form clots.
The lack of magnesium levels may also lead to cases of cardiac arrhythmias or irregular heart rhythm. This disorder makes the heart sometimes lost or gained one rate in one or even tapping rhythm became too fast. If the interference is more serious and heart rate did not immediately return to normal, you are at risk of sudden death.
Now that you are strong and protect your heart from abnormal heart rhythms, make it a habit to meet magnesium intake by eating healthy foods and balanced every day. Magnesium sufficient, the heart continues to beat!

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